LH2.4 conversion wiring loom 700 series

  • Brand: EB
  • SKU: LH2.4loom700
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Conversion harness LH2.4

This harness is designed for converting your Volvo 740 engine management system (e.g K-jet) to LH2.4, which is generally considered the best factory system for Volvo 700 series.

It is based on a late type 940 turbo harness designed for LH2.4 fuel injection with EZ116K ignition.

Also, all conversion harnesses are suitable for both turbo or non-turbo. 

Important: The 740 conversion harnesses are designed for using high impedance injectors. If you wish to run original low impedance B230 turbo injectors you will need to add the resistor pack however the spray pattern from modern high resistance injectors is better and worth upgrading to.


Installing the harness, requires a 50 mm round hole in the bulkhead 

Harness LH 2.4 EZK CONV 740 04-2023 customer.pdf